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asia mission trips

Sentani, Indonesia
Mission Trips

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asia mission trips
asia mission trips
asia mission trips
asia mission trips
9th Grade & Up
Summer & Fall
$1345/person (14-Day Trip)

Community Overview

Experience Mission TrustPilot reviews

  • Serve holistically in Sentani, Indonesia: Join work projects for local churches and missionaries, assist at a high school, cook meals, or connect with local organizations impacting their community in positive ways.
  • Connect with the community: Immerse yourself in the culture, experience the beauty of the natural landscape, and learn about local needs and challenges.
  • Get a glimpse of full-time missions: Partner with full-time missionaries and interact with missions organizations focused on Bible translation in Papua.

There are many opportunities to serve on Indonesia mission trips! Whether you are engaging in English language practice, participating in farming and agriculture activities in mountain villages, or simply experiencing the vibrant local life, this mission trip will be a meaningful and eye-opening service experience for your group.

Connect directly with EM Support Staff to learn more about 2025 Indonesia mission trips — submit an interest form today!

Meet our Local Partners

Local Partners

Noni Graves
Noni and her husband, David, have been independently involved in mission work in Sentani, Papua, Indonesia for more than 20 years. Noni has been involved in local church leadership, with education for Papuan children, and in different entrepreneurial efforts. David is a pilot who works with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the area. They have a huge heart and are intimately aware of both the physical and spiritual needs in Papua, and see a particular need for education and skills training. Their hope is to empower people in the region to give back to their own people and the rest of Indonesia with their skills, talents, and spiritual gifts.

Details & Logistics

Activities & Opportunities

Mission trips to Sentani, Indonesia may include a variety of opportunities for your group, depending on the season and current needs within the community when you come. Listed below are some of the activities you may engage in as a team.

Work Project Opportunities
  • Build, maintain, and repair structures related to ministry
  • Maintain airplane runways in remote villages
  • Maintain dog kennels at the orphanage (ask us about this cool opportunity!)
  • Serve in a remote village, helping with gardening, poultry and egg production, and building maintenance
Personal Service Opportunities
  • Help high school students with English language practice, fundraising, and business marketing initiatives
  • Participate in Sunday school, VBS-style programs, or sports camp
  • Help out at the orphanage
  • Cooking for mission organizations
Cross-Cultural Learning Opportunities
  • Visit a local church
  • Networking with local mission organizations
  • Connecting with orphanages, dental clinics, village schools, and individual missionaries in the area
  • Exploring local beaches and mountains
  • Experiencing vegetable and fish markets
  • Engage with mission organizations focused on Bible translation

Lodging, Food & Transportation


Your team will stay in the guest quarters of Noni Graves' properties in Sentani. There is room for up to 14 people, sleeping in bedrooms that may or may not have beds, depending on the team size. All volunteers who come are encouraged to bring a sleeping mat and blanket with them.

Showers & Bathrooms

Bathrooms, toilets, toilet paper, showers, and running water are available at lodging spaces. Bathrooms in the community are low porcelain bowls, squatting style. Fresh water is used for "wiping" and flushing. Toilet paper is not widely used on the island!


Filtered drinking water is available in the lodging space. Team members must bring a self-filtering water bottle so they can safely drink tap water.

Electricity & Wifi

There is electricity (220V) available at the host facilities. Wifi is also available and local cell phone data coverage is decent.


All homes in the neighborhood are walled and gated for security, and all doors stay locked.


Meals during your trip will be provided by our hosts, and are an incredible opportunity to try and experience local food. There will be opportunities for groups to jump in and help cook and clean.

Air Travel

Destination Airport: Dortheys Hiyo Eluay International Airport in Sentani (DJJ)
Team members are responsible to cover the cost of their round-trip airfare to the Sentani airport. Our staff will meet you at the airport when you arrive.

Passports & Travel Documents

Passports - Each team member must carry a valid passport. If you have further questions regarding required travel documents we advise you to contact the US State Department - www.travel.state.gov

If you do not have a valid passport, it is of the utmost importance that you apply as soon as possible. The processing time for a Passport can take several weeks once your application has been submitted. An expired Passport is not considered valid.

Other Required Travel Documents - All team members under the age of 18 must carry a written, notarized letter from their parents giving them parental permission to leave the country. They must carry the original notarized copy of this letter. It cannot be a photocopy of the letter.

1) If the minor is traveling without parents, both parents must sign the letter.
2) If they are traveling with one parent, the parent that is not traveling with them must sign this letter.
3) If their parents are separated or divorced and both parents do not want to sign the same letter, they must have a notarized letter from each parent giving them permission to go.

Experience Mission can provide a sample copy of a permission letter or you can create your own letter that must include the following:

1) The full name of both parents and their formal signatures
2) The full name of the child
3) The full name of the Adult Chaperone serving as the Team Leader
4) The specific traveling dates for each country
5) The destination country
6) The reason for travel to the destination country (example - "youth group function")
7) The Airline itinerary (if applicable)

Ground Transportation

Upon arrival to Sentani, Indonesia, all ground transportation IS included and provided by EM's local partners.

Typical Schedule

Typical Schedule

Below is a basic schedule for the week, but we approach this with flexibility because our ultimate focus is on relationships.

Day 1-3
Arrive, get settled, rest, orientation

Visit local church, meet community members

Work Project
Work Project
Afternoon rest time
Flexible time

Flexible time

Health & Safety

EM's Health & Safety Plan:

General Health Recommendations
Take vitamins and vaccines before leaving. Prepare with antidiarrheals, stomach treatments like Peptobismal, and antibiotic wipes. Bring a water purifier. Older couples and teenagers take special precautions against heat exhaustion. The living conditions in the village require healthy people without significant pre-existing conditions. Infections are easy to get and must be treated immediately.

Medical Kits
Medical kits that include first-aid supplies for general accidents and ailments are provided for each site. In domestic locations, we ask that teams supply their own medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, and Imodium as they deem necessary. In international locations, we will also carry a Trauma Kit or First Responder Kit. In these remote locations, we will have some medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, and Imodium on hand. We make these available to adult team leaders for their sole discretionary use with their team members. EM Staff will not dispense any medications.

Emergency response plan: Based on the severity of each emergency, EM has a plan for appropriate response.
  • If a team member becomes seriously ill, they will be taken to a local doctor to receive appropriate medical attention and medications. If they are a minor, their Team Leader along with our staff will accompany them to the clinic. If needed, their parents will be contacted. Their recovery will be carefully monitored by our staff.
  • If there is an accident that requires a doctor, but is not life-threatening and does not have the potential to cause permanent damage, Experience Mission staff will locate the Team Leader, contact parents or guardians (providing the injured is a minor), and provide safe but quick transportation to a local clinic.
  • In the event that an accident occurs which is life-threatening or has the potential for permanent damage, emergency medical care will be secured and arrangements will be made if necessary, to transport the injured person to hospitals in Australia as quickly as possible. The family will be contacted immediately to assist in guidance for an appropriate response.
  • All medical care is the sole responsibility of the team member. Experience Mission requires every team member to be covered by domestic medical insurance and recommends that team members traveling abroad carry additional international travel insurance to cover any medical needs their domestic medical insurance may not cover.
Immunizations: As with all mission trips, it is essential that volunteers are up to date on all childhood immunizations. Each volunteer must also have a tetanus shot.

For more information about health concerns and recommended immunizations, you can visit the CDC travelers guide to Indonesia. You should consult your local doctor prior to receiving any immunizations.

Check out EM's current Covid Guidance

Registration & Payment

Experience Mission has specific policies regarding team registration and withdrawal. Please refer to the document below for specifics.

View EM's Mission Trip Registration Policy


All volunteers on a week-long EM mission trip to Costa Rica must be part of a team of at least 10 people, with at least one team member age 21 or older to serve as the Team Leader. Not part of a group? All young adults ages 18-30 are eligible to apply for EM's IMMERSION program.

Indonesia Mission Trip FAQs

How much do Indonesia mission trips cost?
See "Upcoming Trip Dates" section below for available dates and per-person cost for each trip. This fee includes all ground transportation, lodging, meals, in-country trip-related expenses, and funds to support local staff and partners who will be leading your trip.

What will we be doing on our mission trip?
Mission trips in Indonesia typically consist of a mixture of physical work projects, hands-on service opportunities, and learning experiences. (See "Activities & Opportunities" for more details.)

What seasons does EM offer Indonesia mission trips?
Trips are currently available in Indonesia during the summer and fall months. Find the "Upcoming Trip Dates" section for future trips with availability for your group. (NOTE: EM does not offer spring break mission trips to Indonesia at this time.)

Will we work with children in Indonesia?
Most likely! Service opportunities in Sentani include working at the local orphanage and connecting with the high school. There may also be opportunities to participate in VBS-style programs for local children. If this is an important part of the trip for your group, please ask about it on your interest form to learn more!

What paperwork is required for this mission trip?
Each team member will need to fill out a team member registration form and liability waiver and all adults are required to pass a background check. Additionally, each team member will need to have a valid passport that expires at least six months after traveling to Indonesia.

Will we need a visa for a Indonesia mission trip?
You do not need to apply for a visa ahead of time. You will need to go through customs upon arrival and provide information about the nature of the trip. We will provide you with all the resources you need for this prior to your departure.

Where will our group stay in Indonesia?
Teams will be staying in guest rooms on the property of Noni Graves and her family, EM's local partner in Sentani. Sleeping quarters may include beds, but some may sleep on mats on the floor. Electricity and Wifi will be available to teams at the housing location.

Are meals provided for Indonesia mission trips?
Yes! All meals will be cooked by local EM partners and friends, with opportunities for team members to jump in and help cook and clean. It's a great opportunity to experience more of Indonesian culture!

Is airfare included in EM trip fees?
Airfare is a separate expense for each group, and it is your responsibility to book and manage your own air travel to Indonesia. (Please note: Travel to Indonesia from the U.S. may take more than a full day. Please look at flights early and plan accordingly!)

What local culture will we experience on our Indonesia mission trip?
Teams will experience a slice of authentic Indonesian and indigenous Papuan culture and while serving in Sentani. You will have the opportunity to meet and build relationships with a variety of people in the community, experience local cuisine, and see the natural beauty of this region every day.

How does this trip impact the local community?
All work projects and community outreach and service opportunities are selected and chosen by EM's local staff, long-term missionaries and local ministry operators, who have their pulse on the needs of the community and how best to integrate outside volunteers. This is so important! We ask all teams who come to defer to the knowledge and understanding our local partners have of the area, and trust that your little bit of service is what will make the most impact while you are there. Your team also has the opportunity to connect relationally in this cross-cultural setting as a picture of God's love to all people you meet.

How does EM ensure the safety of team members traveling to Indonesia?
Sentani is a safe rural community, but we also recognize there are always risks when traveling abroad. In working closely with our local partners, we make certain our housing facilities are safe and looked after and do our best to place volunteers into situations where they will not be in danger.

Will there be clean water to drink?
Yes! Purified bottled drinking water will be provided for all team members at the lodging location. Team members are asked to bring a self-filtering water bottle to make it possible to drink tap water elsewhere without getting sick.

What shots and immunizations do we need to get before our mission trip?
In addition to being up-to-date on all childhood vaccinations and boosters, we strongly recommend all participants check with the Center for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov) as well as their local physician and closely follow their directions for recommended shots and immunizations. Click here for the CDC travel page for Indonesia.

Will we need to purchase additional travel insurance on my mission trip?
EM strongly recommends that every team member has personal medical insurance. All volunteers should check with their personal medical insurance provider regarding international coverage. If your personal insurance will not cover you, we strongly recommend purchasing additional travel insurance. Short-term travel insurance can be purchased separately through a local insurance company.

If you cannot obtain travel insurance through a local provider, upon team registration, we will direct you to a link for "Travel Insurance" on our website. This link will connect you and your team members to "Group International Travel Solutions," a trusted travel insurance company.

Does EM have any Covid requirements for teams?
We ask that teams bring 1-2 masks/person and 2-4 rapid tests in the event that someone on your team becomes sick during the trip. Outside of that, we simply recommend that teams follow current CDC recommendations regarding travel, testing, and what to do if you're exposed or get sick. View EM's Current Covid Guidance

Have more questions about Experience Mission trips? Check out our general FAQs, or call our support team at 888-475-6414.

Upcoming Trip Dates: Sentani, Indonesia

We’d love to connect with you!

Dont hit a snag in your mission trip planning! Fill out an interest form or call (888) 475-6414 (Mon-Thu, 9am-5pm ET) to ask questions and learn more about upcoming EM mission trips.

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Read our Mission Trip FAQ and Registration Policy. If you have additional questions or don't see the dates you're looking for, fill out an interest form for the trip closest to what you're hoping for and let us know the needs of your group.

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EM Fundraising Guide

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