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Chicago Mission Trips
Chicago Mission Trips
Chicago Mission Trips
Chicago Mission Trips
Chicago Mission Trips
Chicago Mission Trips
9th Grade & Up
$475/person (6-Day Trip)

Community Overview

Experience Mission TrustPilot reviews


  • Experience inner-city Chicago: Partner with Sunshine Gospel Ministries to learn about the challenges and opportunities of the community.
  • Engage in service-learning: Participate in practical service opportunities, poverty simulations, and meaningful conversations.
  • Promote reconciliation: Gain a deeper understanding of inequity and contribute to positive change in Chicago and other urban communities.

EM and SGM hope to reveal the giftedness of the community through healthy, meaningful experiences that combine service, learning, and active engagement. Learn through practical service opportunities, participate in activities like a poverty simulation, and engage in deep, meaningful, thought-provoking conversations surrounding life in the south side of Chicago.

Connect directly with EM Support Staff to learn more about Chicago mission trips — submit an interest form today!

Meet our Local Partners

Local Partners

Sunshine Gospel Ministries
Sunshine Gospel Ministries has existed in Chicago for over 100 years, with the current mission of seeking the renewal of the city through ministries of discipleship, mercy, and justice. They seek to empower youth and families to thrive and lead prosperous, healthy lives through connectedness, opportunity, and economic sustainability. They also take a holistic approach to serving, providing learning and educational opportunities along with basic services.

Details & Logistics

Service-Learning Opportunities

Service Learning

Connecting with Sunshine Gospel Ministries of Chicago and their Bridge Builders program, this community trip is designed in a way to bring awareness and conversation to the many complexities people living in the inner city face on a daily basis.

During this mission trip, your team will work directly with our local Community Partners with the BridgeBuilder Program in Chicago. This trip is locally staffed which adds to its depth as everything your team will experience is shared through a local voice. Your team will spend part of your time supporting local ministry partners connected to Sunshine Gospel Ministries as they work to renew their own neighborhoods. You may find yourself working in community gardens, doing simple building renovations like painting, improving a playground, praying for neighbors, or other neighborhood beautification projects. The work fluctuates day to day depending on the local partner's needs, but in each experience, we hope you'll be given opportunities to meet with local people and extend the reconciliation work of the local church.

Inner city life has many layers and comes with many assumptions and misunderstandings from those not experiencing it. We believe education is a powerful tool as we seek to be bridge builders who love and serve others in different circumstances from ourselves. This trip will include several learning elements for your team to experience and engage with. As you enter into these hard yet vital conversations we ask that you come with an open heart and mind ready to be an active listener and learner around the complex topics of reconciliation and inequity

Lodging, Food & Transportation

Teams in Chicago will stay either at Sunshine Gospel or at local college apartments owned by Sunshine Gospel.

Cots or air mattresses will be provided but you will be responsible to bring your own bedding (sheets, pillow, blanket or sleeping bag and towels).

There will be shower facilities at the housing facilities where teams will be staying.

There will be bathrooms where your team will be staying. Most work and outreach sites will have bathrooms as well. For those that do not, teams will need to take mid-day breaks to use a public restroom.

Teams will have access to water throughout the day. Everyone should plan to bring refillable water bottles to stay hydrated throughout the day.

There is electricity available where you will be staying, as well as at most work and outreach locations.

EM works with our partners to ensure the most secure facility possible.

This is an extreme inner-city mission trip, which will put you and your team in the center of inner-city life as you take part in learning and service projects throughout the day. During your time of service in this location, you may meet people navigating difficult life struggles. People in various stages of drug and alcohol addiction, and those possibly involved in local gangs, prostitution, etc. may cross paths with your team. Their personal need for Christ is extreme. It is through kindness, care, and respect for the dignity of all we meet that we can best share the love of Christ. Please come prepared to step out of your comfort zone as you meet the people of the city with an open heart.

A wonderful team of local cooks will be preparing and serving your meals. Breakfast and dinner will be served buffet-style, and your team will pack your lunches. Curious about EM's ability to accommodate specific food restrictions? View EM's Food Policy

Your team's transportation to, from, and while in Chicago is not covered by the cost of your trip. You will need your vehicles throughout the entire week to transport your team to various locations for work and ministry.

NOTE: Using a school bus as your main mode of transportation while in this community is NOT an ideal option. 15-passenger vans or smaller are your best choice for transportation in Chicago.

Typical Schedule


Day 1

4-6pm Arrival & Orientation
6-8pm - Dinner - Lesson - Debrief

Day 2

8:00 am - Breakfast
9am-12pm - El Train Experience
12-1pm - Lunch
1-4pm - Woodlawn Tour
4-5pm - Intro to South Side
6-8pm - Dinner - Lesson - Debrief

Day 3-5

8:00 am - Breakfast
9am - 2:30pm - Community Service (& Lunch)
3:30pm - Rotating Opportunities (Museum, Poverty Simulation, American Son, Just Mercy, Economic Poverty)
6pm - Dinner - Lesson - Debrief *Thursday evenings are generally free after dinner for your team to take some time to be together

Day 6

Trips to Chicago normally end at noon on Friday after a brunch and final debrief session Your team also has the option to stay over Friday night and use the remainder of the day on Friday to explore the city. You will be on your own for meals after breakfast on Friday if you choose to stay. Departure would be no later than Saturday morning at 9:00 am.

If your team needs to depart earlier than noon on Friday or if your team plans to stay Friday night please let us know so that our Community Partners can be prepared.

Health & Safety

EM's Health & Safety Plan

Staff Certification
All EM Summer Staff are certified in First Aid and CPR.

Medical Kits
Medical kits that include first-aid supplies for general accidents and ailments are provided for each site. In domestic communities like Atlanta, we ask that teams supply their own medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, and Imodium as they deem necessary.

Emergency Response Plan
Based on the severity of each emergency, EM has a plan for appropriate response.

- If a team member becomes seriously ill, they will be taken to a local doctor to receive appropriate medical attention and medications. If they are a minor, their Team Leader along with our staff will accompany them to the clinic. If needed, their parents will be contacted. Their recovery will be carefully monitored by our staff.

- If there is an accident that requires a doctor, but is not life-threatening and does not have the potential to cause permanent damage, Experience Mission staff will locate the Team Leader, contact parents or guardians (providing the injured is a minor), and provide safe but quick transportation to a local clinic.

- In the event that an accident occurs which is life-threatening or has the potential for permanent damage, emergency 911 services will be contacted immediately. The family will be contacted to assist in guidance for appropriate response.

All medical care is the sole responsibility of the team member. Experience Mission requires every team member to be covered by domestic medical insurance.

Check out EM's current Covid Guidance

Registration & Payment

Experience Mission has specific policies regarding team registration and withdrawal. Please refer to the document below for specifics.

View EM's Mission Trip Registration Policy


All volunteers on a week-long EM mission trip must be part of a team of at least six (6) people, with at least one team member age 21 or older to serve as the Team Leader. Not part of a group? All young adults ages 18-30 are eligible to apply for EM's IMMERSION program.

Upcoming Trip Dates: Chicago

We’d love to connect with you!

Dont hit a snag in your mission trip planning! Fill out an interest form or call (888) 475-6414 (Mon-Thu, 9am-5pm ET) to ask questions and learn more about upcoming EM mission trips.

Fill Out An Interest Form Call (888) 475-6414

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You and your team serve on a cross-cultural mission trip!

Organized and led by EM field staff or local partners, your trip will bring encouragement and light to people in difficult circumstances, as you learn what it means to care for all people, whoever and wherever you are.

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Read our Mission Trip FAQ and Registration Policy. If you have additional questions or don't see the dates you're looking for, fill out an interest form for the trip closest to what you're hoping for and let us know the needs of your group.

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EM Fundraising Guide

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