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Elyse R.

42% Funded
Still Needs $1150 (of $2000)
42% Funded
Still Needs $1150 (of $2000)
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My Story

I am incredibly excited and blessed to officially announce that this summer I will be working with Experience Missions as a program coordinator for summer mission trips! This position has been on my heart and mind for some time, and after prayerful consideration, I decided to apply, and was accepted into this position. Through my journey in life, I have discovered my passion for serving others, and this summer I felt like God was asking me to pursue something new and uncomfortable. As I began to ponder what this summer would hold, I looked back on my past experiences of serving on missions trips with my church and recalled the great impact that the student leaders had on my life. I feel that this opportunity gives me the chance to give back and use my God-given talents to help others. This summer, I'll join a team of a few other young adults to serve in Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh, PA. We'll be working with local pastors and churches who are reaching out to their community through outreach and work projects. Multiple mission teams will be coming on short-term trips through the summer, and I'll be responsible to organize and facilitate their trips! This summer will look very different for me in many ways. When I decided to apply for this position, I knew that it would mean I would not be able to work a job where I could be putting away money for myself for the next year of college expenses. In my initial stages of applying for this position, I battled with the sacrifice of this financial change but also trusted that God would provide if this was something I was meant to do. I am called to go and do this, and I pray that some are called to support and give. This is a real, tangible way for people in my life to be involved in what God is doing in these communities by supporting me and making my time of serving possible. I have set up a fundraising page to help my endeavors this summer, and I hope and pray that this could be a way to support me this summer in my journey! I will also be creating a blog to keep my family and friends updated on my adventures this summer! I hope this is a positive way to keep everyone connected and involved. Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout my life, and fueled this passion for helping others in the name of the Lord. I hope that you will consider keeping me in your prayers, as this is a new and exciting experience, but one with unknowns and challenges that I will surely face. I would love to talk about this more in detail if you would like to reach out to me! Thank you again for all your support, and I look forward to updating you all with pictures and my experiences!


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Felton, DE
Felton, DE
Palmetto Bay, FL

Missions Internship

Build your resume next Summer as you serve, lead, learn and create space for others to engage on mission trips.

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Who Is Experience Mission?

EXPERIENCE MISSION exists to bring the hope of Jesus through relief and development projects around the world, developing leaders through internships and volunteer mission trip opportunities, and empowering people in underprivileged communities through initiatives like education scholarships and micro-loans.

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