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Sign up to be notified when applications open for 2026!
Experience Mission’s Summer Ministry Internship is an incredible opportunity for young adults looking for hands-on experience in ministry, missions, and non-profit work. Serve as part of EM Summer Staff on a team of 3-4 interns, helping lead volunteer groups through week-long short-term mission trips and service-learning experiences in communities across the U.S. and beyond.
Help people learn to love and serve their neighbors while gaining valuable life and ministry experience! Apply now for one of our paid summer ministry internship positions for college students and young adults.
Applications for Summer 2025 are now closed. Sign up to be notified when 2026 applications open in the Fall!
“This job taught me so many skills, created so many special memories and friendships, and helped me grow in love with all around me.”
“This job taught me so many skills, created so many special memories and friendships, and helped me grow in love with all around me.”
– Madison (Summer 2022)
Join a cause you can feel good about! Your main job will be to lead and facilitate groups through service and learning experiences. EM trips provide volunteers with meaningful opportunities to live out their faith, invest time and service in often-overlooked communities, and build bridges across cultural, racial, and socio-economic divides.
Dive into the world of full-time ministry! Whether you are considering a career in ministry, missions, or other non-profit work, this ministry internship will help you gain both the experience and skills needed for what’s next. Learn how to lead people through meaningful service and learning opportunities, handle day-to-day logistics for large groups, and balance important relationships with the work at hand.
The EM internship has you covered! We know students are often left to choose between unpaid learning experiences like internships or working to make enough money to pay for rent and school. EM Summer Ministry Interns are paid for their time ($225/week) and have the ability to fundraise additional support before and during their time of service. EM interns also save a considerable amount of money by not having to pay for living costs like food, housing, and transportation during their time of service. Interns also receive a travel stipend that covers most or all of the cost of traveling to and from your placement community.
Join a cause you can feel good about! Your main job will be to lead and facilitate groups through service and learning experiences. EM trips provide volunteers with meaningful opportunities to live out their faith, invest time and service in often-overlooked communities, and build bridges across cultural, racial, and socio-economic divides.
Dive into the world of full-time ministry! Whether you are considering a career in ministry, missions, or other non-profit work, this ministry internship will help you gain both the experience and skills needed for what’s next. Learn how to lead people through meaningful service and learning opportunities, handle day-to-day logistics for large groups, and balance important relationships with the work at hand.
The EM internship has you covered! We know students are often left to choose between unpaid learning experiences like internships or working to make enough money to pay for rent and school. EM Summer Ministry Interns are paid for their time ($225/week) and have the ability to fundraise additional support before and during their time of service. EM interns also save a considerable amount of money by not having to pay for living costs like food, housing, and transportation during their time of service. Interns also receive a travel stipend that covers most or all of the cost of traveling to and from your placement community.
Give 6-11 weeks of your summer to learning, growing, and serving others in ways that could have a significant impact on your future. Apply now for 2025!
Applications for Summer 2025 are now closed. Sign up to be notified when 2026 applications open in the Fall!
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Application Process
How do I apply for EM’s Spring or Summer Ministry Internship?
Step 2: Our Missions Program staff reviews all applications as they are received and follows up with a quick initial phone call to applicants who meet the internship qualifications. After this call, our staff determines if applicants qualify for a final video interview. NOTE: Due to a high volume of applications, we will be following up with applicants on an as-needed basis.
Step 3: An initial number of strong candidates will be offered positions shortly after an interview, with our full Summer Staff being offered positions no later than the end of February. (NOTE: the total number of interns needed will be based on the number of volunteer groups who sign up to serve next year, which will not be solidified until the end of February). We will do our best to keep you in the loop as we review applications, conduct interviews, and offer positions to applicants.
What are the requirements to apply for this position?
Internship applicants must be at least one year out of high school and have past job (or significant responsibility) experience. Preferred candidates will be quick learners who possess strong leadership abilities, good communication skills, and the ability to problem-solve and work with a team. Intangible skills like commitment, perseverance, resilience, and the ability to work hard all make great EM Ministry Interns. If that sounds like you, we want you to apply!
What is the general timeline for the EM Ministry Internship position?
October - January: EM Spring & Summer Staff candidates are interviewed and selected.
November - January: EM’s Spring Missions Program details are finalized and spring interns are notified of their specific placement and timeframe.
Late February/early March: Mandatory training event for all Spring Interns (location TBD).
March - May: EM Spring Interns lead mission trips in teams of 3-4 people for 6-11 weeks in communities across the U.S. (NOTE: Some interns may have a 3-4 week gap between the training week and the start of their internship service.)
March - April: EM’s Summer Missions Program details are finalized and interns are notified of their specific placement and timeframe.
Late May: Mandatory 5-day training event in West Michigan for all EM Summer Interns.
Late May - Early August: EM Summer Interns lead mission trips in teams of 3-4 people for 6-11 weeks in communities across the U.S. and beyond. (NOTE: Some interns will have a 3-4 week gap between the training week and the start of their internship service.)
*All dates are subject to change. We recommend completing your application as early as possible!
Job Details
What does this “internship” entail?
The EM Ministry Internship is a leadership position! With helpful training and external support from EM full-time staff, each Spring and Summer Staff team (made up of 2-4 interns) is empowered to collectively lead EM week-long mission trips. You won’t make coffee runs or sit on the sidelines watching others. You will learn and grow by doing and leading every single day. So, you can call it an “internship”, but EM Ministry Internship positions come with more responsibility and opportunity than a traditional internship. For that reason, we prefer to call our EM Spring and Summer Staff positions a job, and we hope those hired see it as one too. (Hopefully, it's your most rewarding job so far!)
EM Spring and Summer Staff members will fill 1 of 3 roles within an EM Missions Community: Trip Coordinator, Construction Coordinator, or Outreach Coordinator. Collectively, you and your Leadership team will be responsible for preparing for and executing all practical aspects of running mission trips in your community, handling administrative tasks (managing weekly budgets, creating schedules, etc.), and building and deepening community partnerships and relationships.
What are the benefits of the EM internship?
You will be amazed at what you learn and take away from your time serving—personally, spiritually, and practically. Experience Mission interns are exposed to full-time ministry and missions firsthand. If you’re considering a life path in full-time ministry or non-profit work, this experience will help you determine which aspects are a good fit for you as you balance building new relationships, details, and logistics of group management, serving others in a healthy way, and more. EM interns also gain valuable leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills by diving in and taking on the responsibility needed to make mission trips happen. You will grow as a person, as a leader, and in your capacity to love and care for others in all aspects of your life.
What will my “intern team” look like?
Each Spring and Summer Staff team consists of 3-4 interns working together within an EM Missions Community to coordinate all logistics for volunteer groups serving on week-long mission trips. Selected interns will fill 1 of 3 roles: Trip Coordinator, Construction Coordinator, or Outreach Coordinator. As a member of EM Spring or Summer Staff, you will have your own specific role and responsibilities, but will also work together on many details and tasks necessary to make trips happen each week. Each intern team is connected with a member of EM’s full-time staff (the “Community Coordinator”) who will serve as a guide and lifeline throughout your time of service, available for community questions, problem-solving, and emergencies if they arise.
How does EM equip interns to succeed in this position?
We want to do everything we can to help you succeed during your internship! This starts with a two-part training for all interns. The first half is an interactive training event led by EM’s full-time staff for EM Ministry Iterns serving in communities all across the U.S. and beyond. This training event is interactive, engaging, and fun, as we share our philosophy of missions and ministry, best practices for leading service-learning trips, and work through potential pitfalls. It is also a great time to get to know your fellow interns (people who are passionate about this work like you!) and worship together as a big group.
The second half of your training happens in the field. The week before your first mission trip groups is filled with hands-on, on-site job training in the community led by the EM Community Coordinator. You will meet EM’s local partners, walk through the logistics of a typical week and learn everything you need to know to hit the ground running when your first groups arrive.
Who do EM Spring and Summer Interns report to (or reach out to for guidance)?
You will be entrusted and empowered to make your own decisions and problem-solve as a team, but you are never alone if things do not go as planned! Once your work officially starts, the EM Community Coordinator assigned to your community will check in with your team each week, helping your team debrief each experience and prepare for what’s next. Your EM contact will also be available throughout the week for community questions, problem-solving, and emergencies if they arise.
Are there additional requirements for hired EM Spring and Summer Staff members?
Full requirements are outlined on the official JOB DESCRIPTION, but it is important to note a few requirements you may not be thinking about. For the safety of all involved in EM missions programs, all Spring and Summer Interns are required to have:
These can be obtained after you are hired, but must be completed before the mandatory training event at the start of your time of service.
How much will I get paid as an EM Ministry Intern?
EM Spring and Summer Staff are each paid a weekly stipend of $225/week throughout their time of service after the initial training week. Additionally, all living expenses (food, lodging, transportation) will be covered while interns are serving in the community and during training and setup weeks, and all interns will be provided with a travel stipend that covers a large portion of the cost to travel to/from training and each intern's service community ($500 for most U.S. interns, $700 for those serving in the Navajo Nation or internationally).
Interns are also given a platform and resources to fundraise additional financial support for the duration of their service with EM if you desire. (See next question!)
Am I able to fundraise any additional support?
Yes! We know you may have needs beyond what we can cover. Once hired, you will have the opportunity to fundraise support alongside your weekly stipend. This is an opportunity to invite family and friends into serving alongside you by giving financially. To kickstart the process, you will have access to helpful fundraising resources and a personal online donation profile on the EM website. Our staff includes many experienced fundraisers who can help you get started. This is a great option if you need to make a specific amount of money in your current phase of life, but still want to pursue a meaningful internship experience instead of a 9-5 job.
Will I have to pay for anything myself during this internship?
Not very much! All living expenses (food, lodging, transportation) will be covered while you are serving in your community and during training weeks. You will only have to pay for personal items and any additional food/snacks you choose to purchase on your own.
You will be responsible for your own travel to EM’s training event in West Michigan and getting to/from your community of service, but EM provides each intern with a travel stipend to cover most of this cost! (See “How much will I get paid” above). You will be required to both arrange and initially pay for these expenses on your own, regardless of the stipend amount.
Am I able to receive college credit through this internship?
People have done this in the past, and it depends on the requirements of your school and your own initiative to make it happen! We are happy to fill out evaluations from schools upon request. You are responsible for contacting your academic advisor to find out the necessary requirements in order to receive credit.
Job Locations
Where do EM Spring and Summer Ministry Interns serve?
Experience Mission currently facilitates short-term mission trips in over 15 different communities across the U.S. and around the world. EM Summer Staff Interns primarily lead trips in the U.S. (with a few exceptions) throughout the Summer months. While communities are subject to change, we plan to send EM Summer Staff intern teams to:
We currently plan to send EM Spring Staff intern teams to:
*Interns serving in these communities must be fluent in Spanish. When applying, please indicate your ability to speak Spanish to be considered!
How are EM interns placed in communities?
We work hard to determine the best location and team fit for each hired EM Spring and Summer Staff member. We do take the preferences indicated on your application into consideration, but the ultimate decision rests on team dynamics, necessary skills, and many other factors that play a part in our final placement decisions. We ask all applicants to be willing to serve wherever they are most needed.
How likely is it I will serve in an international location?
EM interns primarily serve in U.S. mission trip communities. There are a few exceptions (the Bahamas, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico) but these international positions are extremely limited and require most applicants to be fluent in Spanish. If you speak fluent Spanish, please let us know in your application!
Will my friends or family be able to visit me?
This job will require your full focus while mission trip teams are present in your community, but family and friends are welcome to visit you during an off week or on a weekend, with the approval of your EM Community Coordinator. We expect EM Spring and Summer Staff to understand that having outside visitors may not be the best for your hosts, your staff team, or the community where you are serving. So, we simply ask that you be respectful and ask ahead of time if this is something you are considering.
Internship Schedule
When do the EM Spring and Summer Ministry Internships start?
All Spring interns will begin with a 3-4 training event (location TBD) in late February or early March. All Summer interns start in late May, with a 5-day training event in West Michigan. Some intern teams leave directly from training to begin their time of service. Other teams have a 3-4 week break after training before beginning their work in the field.
How long is the internship commitment?
All hired Leadership Staff can expect to serve for 6-11 weeks, from late May to early August (Spring internship may be shorter). If you have a strong preference for how long you would like to serve, please let us know on your application!
What does a typical week look like for EM Ministry Interns?
Each week leading a mission trip team will start with preparation for the upcoming week (shopping for groceries and construction materials, planning work and outreach projects, etc.) beginning on Friday or Saturday and culminating in the volunteer teams’ arrival and orientation on Sunday evening. Once teams arrive, EM Spring and Summer Staff are responsible for almost every detail involving missions volunteers—work and service projects, connections with local Christian ministries, daily schedule, meals, morning devotionals, evening debrief, and more. Monday through Thursday each week are “typical” days, with breakfast and devotional time in the mornings, service or outreach projects and some learning opportunities during the bulk of the day, and dinner and debriefing in the evening. Most mission trips end after breakfast on Friday morning.
This can make for full days! But over and over, we have also seen how people who are willing to genuinely engage with partners, volunteers, and community members find a lot of joy and life amidst the busy schedule! Life-long bonds can form over the course of a whole season in one place.
Do interns have any weeks off?
Hired interns will serve anywhere from 6-11 weeks during the summer or 4-11 weeks in the spring. We don’t traditionally build in extended periods of time off, aside from weekends and a few hours throughout the week. However, there may be weeks in the middle of the season when no volunteer groups have signed up to serve in your community. During these weeks, EM interns are encouraged to stay in their community, using their time to rest, experience more of the culture and life of their community, and connect deeper with local partners and community members. This time is so valuable in making your experience successful! (NOTE: Interns are paid $225/week for weeks with and without volunteer teams.)
If there are dates during the spring or summer when you are unavailable due to a prior commitment, please make this clear on your application and during the interview process. Time off for these types of commitments can be requested, but may not always be granted.
About EM
What is the core mission of Experience Mission?
In an ever-changing world, we want to love God and love our neighbors. We believe God is at work in all people and cultures. We desire to be creative connectors across diverse and historical divides, participating in God's work of reconciliation, justice, affirmation, and hope. EM invites groups and individuals from all different backgrounds to participate in the work of loving their neighbors around the world, serving as equal parts connector, partner, and encourager.
What do EM trips look like?
We firmly believe the people we serve on mission trips are not our “mission project.” They are valuable creations of God with so much to offer. While it may be obvious that change needs to happen in certain communities, we believe change needs to happen in each of us as well. EM's approach to missions seeks to enter into these service and learning experiences in a healthy way. We believe there is a better way than forcing change or imposing our thinking, values, and beliefs on others.
What denomination is EM a part of?
Experience Mission is an inter-denominational Christian organization and is not directly affiliated with any specific denomination. Participants from all denominations are welcome on our service-learning mission trips. Our statement of faith, how we share the gospel, and how we engage people of different faiths can be viewed HERE.
There are many different things you could do with your summer. Here’s what recent EM Summer Interns had to say about their experience.
There are many different things you could do with your summer. Here’s what recent EM Summer Interns had to say about their experience.
You must have a group size of at least 6 members to join this trip. Please view the Small Team trips or call our Servicing Department for more options at 888-475-6414.
For most trips, you must have a group size of at least 6 members. Please view the Small Teams tab on each Community page or call our Servicing Department for more options at 888-475-6414.