100% Funded
Still Needs $0 (of $10500)
My Story
As most of you know I recently graduated high school and now have the time in my life to process what I want to do. Through my senior year I had all the worries about what I want to do in my life and what path I want to follow after I graduate, but every idea I had in mind never stuck in my head. I stopped living lukewarm at the start of the New Year and ever since, I have had my heart and soul transformed by the holy spirit. My worries for my future plans had gone away as I put my full trust in Jesus. I have had the thought of becoming a pilot, as I recently had the opportunity in June to fly with an instructor in the plane, and it was amazing. Piloting is a goal of mine and career I would love to do but God has been telling me not yet, or maybe never. When March came around, I felt a calling to not only be a disciple of Jesus but travel and make disciples of many nations, Mark 16:15.
For the past 2 months I have also had the thought of nunhood, and will further pray about this calling to see if it truly is what God wants for me do. I reached out to Experience Mission, Immersion. and went through the interview process and got accepted to go to South Africa for 6 months! How I am so blessed! God is so good!
I start my journey January 8th, and will be traveling around 3 African communities in South Africa, Lesotho and Namibia. There, I will be learning about a new culture and what God is doing in Africa. I will be immersing myself, staying with host families with my team, and I will be helping the communities. I will be volunteering at schools, helping the locals, building strong relationships, and serving the local churches. Most importantly, helping the local people in Africa. I think of this trip being not for me, but for the kids and beautiful people I will meet. I want to help plant a seed that can hopefully be watered and eventually grow as they further their relationship with God.
Join me on my journey! Help me fundraise for this trip by claiming 1 or more "seats" below, donating the total amount in the boxes you select. A "full plane" will raise $11,325! Just claim your seat(s) in the plane below and click DONATE.
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