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Chloe M.

1M NAMIBIA (AFRICA) — MAY 19 - JUNE 19, 2025
0% Funded
Still Needs $6200 (of $6200)
0% Funded
Still Needs $6200 (of $6200)
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My Story

Hey friends and supporters!! A few years ago I began to wonder if just believing in God and knowing he was true was enough, I slowly learned it wasn't and that I wanted my life to serve him. Over the last few years I began exploring churches I started going to church every Sunday and realizing I needed to not only believe in him but walk with him everyday. Recently I started to ask what his plan for me was it was then that all these people on my social media appeared going on missions sharing their faith helping those around them for nothing but just to do it. I asked God do you want me to share your word to plant seeds for others it was later that week that 3 different people in my life asked for my testimony, they asked to go to church with me. A few weeks later my church shared mission trips they were going on the next day immersion missions appeared on my page and I knew God was telling me to click the link. Now here I am prepared to go use the gift he gave me to help others and share his love but I can't do it alone and would love any help you can possibly provide even if it's just sharing this profile! I love you, Jesus loves you!


Join me on my journey! Help me fundraise for this trip by claiming 1 or more "seats" below, donating the total amount in the boxes you select. A "full plane" will raise $5,050! Just claim your seat(s) in the plane below and click DONATE.


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1-Month Namibia (Africa)

Experience the life of people in incredibly distinct cultures over the course of 1 month in the southern African country of Namibia.

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Who Is Experience Mission?

EXPERIENCE MISSION exists to bring the hope of Jesus through relief and development projects around the world, developing leaders through internships and volunteer mission trip opportunities, and empowering people in underprivileged communities through initiatives like education scholarships and micro-loans.

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