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IMMERSION Applicant Resources

If you’re checking out IMMERSION by Experience Mission, you probably have a lot of questions about who we are, how to prepare to join a team, and what trips look like day to day. Below are several resources that will help answer these questions!

Ready to learn more specifics about IMMERSION programs you're interested in? Submit an Interest Form to connect directly with a member of our staff.


About EM

Who is Experience Mission? Read more about our mission and vision and what we're all about.

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EM's Statement of Faith, how we share the gospel, and how we engage people of different backgrounds and faiths.

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The most asked questions by IMMERSION applicants and their parents!

Read FAQ

For Parents!

Are you a parent with questions? Schedule a call to connect directly with an IMMERSION staff member.

Schedule a Parent Call

Serving Internationally

The steps we take to keep IMMERSION team members safe while serving in other countries.

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Immunizations & Medications

EM's medical recommendations for all people preparing to serve in a new context.

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IMMERSION Fundraising Guide

EM's best fundraising ideas and advice for IMMERSION team members.

View the Guide

Payment & Refund Policy

How EM handles trip finances and when you need to pay/fundraise certain amounts leading up to the trip.

1M/3M Refund Policy

6M Refund Policy

Example Gap Year Policy

IMMERSION Videos & Photos

Get a picture of what IMMERSION and many of our communities are like through our Instagram account!

Explore Videos & Photos

EM Alumni Map

Find past participants across the U.S. and Canada who are open to sharing more about their IMMERSION experience with you.

View Map

Application Process

  1. Submit an initial Interest Form and connect with a member of the IMMERSION Staff Team for a 15-minute “IMMERSION Basics” phone call.
  2. Complete your online application, then schedule a video interview with an IMMERSION Staff Team member who will notify you soon after if you've been accepted to the program
  3. Accept your spot on the team and pay your deposit* to secure your spot


*Most IMMERSION participants fundraise a large portion of their trip. An EM Fundraising Coach will walk you through setting up your online profile and creating a fundraising plan based our best ideas and tips. Once you pay or fundraise your initial deposit, your spot is reserved and you are officially on the team!

Hear from past
IMMERSION team members!

Hear from past IMMERSION team members!

Summer College Internship
IMMERSION was the most impactful and meaningful thing I have ever done. The authentic and loving relationships you will create are more meaningful then you could ever think.”

Eden P. 3-Month Belize IMMERSION
Summer Ministry Internship
“IMMERSION is whatever you put into it, so give it everything, be self-sacrificing and lean into God through all of it. This has been one of the best experiences of my life, and I highly recommend it.”

Kailene C. 6-Month Africa IMMERSION
Paid Missions Internship
“Expect to be convicted and challenged, and learn how beautiful God is and how detailed he made every single person! Experience scripture coming to life, and understand more fully your calling in the world.”

Ian O. Costa Rica / Africa Gap Year IMMERSION
Christian Missions Internship
“IMMERSION shows you how God is the God of every language, every culture, and every country. Take the plunge! Chase after the Lord and see how truly incredible He is.”

Mary A. 3-Month Costa Rica IMMERSION
Paid Ministry Internship
“Absolutely 100% no questions asked! It will be the best month, 3 months, or 6 months of your life. You will learn and grow so much and experience so many things other people will never have the chance to.”

Erica H. 3-Month South Africa IMMERSION