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Best Mission Trips in Latin America

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by Kelsey Bennett Kelsey has traveled on mission trips all over Latin America, on both short term mission trips and longer IMMERSION experiences. She currently serves as EM's Community Coordinator for all Latin American and Spanish-speaking communities.

Your eyes open to the roof of a church. The beams are old but are filled with the songs of worshippers. It’s a bright, sunny day waiting outside. You breathe a deep breath of fresh air and prepare for a wonderful day of serving people God loves deeply. And yet there is a need and a hunger in the air for so much more.

Latin America is full of beauty, culture, and people who are bursting with love for others. There is so much to be shared between cultures—so many things to learn and ways to come alongside local communities—but where should you start?

Cuba Mission Trips

Cuba Mission Trips

1. Cuba Mission Trips

For almost 70 years, there has been a misconception in the U.S. that the people and country of Cuba are scary, dangerous, and to be avoided. Most of us are aware there is great need in Cuba, but did you know there is also so much goodness and life? The Cuban culture has deep roots, and the people are full of love and joy. There are those that may lack much materially, but they are ready to share everything with you, from a cup of coffee to a beautiful story. It is a place where your heart will yearn to help and also expand because there is so much to learn and take in. Whether you register for a 1-week group mission trip to Cuba or join a 1-month Cuba IMMERSION trip for young adults, your eyes will be opened to the beauty of this country and how God has been moving among the people all along.

Costa Rica Mission Trips

Costa Rica Mission Trips

2. Costa Rica IMMERSION Trips

There are very few moments in life where we can step completely out of our norms and into something different. Living for a summer among the indigenous Bribri tribe in Shiroles, Costa Rica is sure to expand your understanding of the world and life. It is a calm life—pretty much the antithesis of our bustling, hurried daily lives—and there is joy found in every corner. While there is little infrastructure and a much slower pace of life, it is much needed for the American soul. Our souls yearn to connect, something the people of Shiroles do well. Work is secondary to people. Can you even imagine? Join a 3-month Costa Rica IMMERSION trip in 2021 and experience the blessing of giving to others while also receiving the gifts they have to offer.

Disaster Relief Mission Trips

Disaster Relief Mission Trips

3. Puerto Rico Disaster Relief

The island of Puerto Rico has been hit hard over the past few years with hurricanes, earthquakes, and, of course, the global pandemic. The amount of loss has been felt and felt again. EM relief mission trip teams come to help in a small community of squatters who have been given a parcel of land to live on. Teams partner with local ministries to build homes and, more importantly, build relationships with a group of people who feel like they have been forgotten. (Gut check: It’s so easy to forget the island was hit by a massive hurricane AND earthquake over the last couple years, despite being a U.S. territory.) Through all of this, community members are being taught trades and being given a new song to sing: one of purpose and the joy found within it. Will you come alongside your fellow Americans who have been cast aside? Bring your group on a week-long relief mission trip to Puerto Rico.

Each of these locations has a unique perspective, and God is using the work of local people as well as Experience Mission volunteer teams to join forces, learn from each other, and make a difference in the world. Which will you choose? Who will you come alongside this next year?

Check out all Latin America Mission Trips!


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