Time. Its a scary word and it has its negative connotations. It can be an enemy. It can be taken away and it can be measured to be not enough. Once the decision of going to Palestine for 3 months became official, the list of what I needed to do and get done grew, and time became the trigger for anxiety. Since August, I have probably appeared to be an energizer bunny jacked up on Red Bull then crashing like a toddler. AKA, a crazy person. I definitely felt like one. The to-do list was going to take all my time. And on top of that, I wanted to make sure to spend time with people. People who have been supporting me, encouraging me, and cheering me on the whole way. I was sent off by some pretty cool cats from work, with sweet cards and best wishes. To then go to Utah to be with family and friends for 9 days. Time that was very well spent. It was then that I realized time is actually a gift.
Well my dear friends, the time has come! It’s finally here, the countdown is over. I am on my way to what I believe will be the best thing I can do for myself. To find more of my purpose in this world, to understand my gifts and how to use them, and most importantly to grow in my faith and love for God’s Word, and for God’s people.
In the beginning of sharing the news, on several occasions I heard the words, “Wow! Thats so crazy!” or “Wow! YOU’RE so crazy!” and my favorite, “Are you crazy?! Why would you go there?!” In their defense, I understand their concerns for my safety. Considering all the bad news thrown in our faces, not knowing what is truth and what isn’t, I probably would be concerned too. And if all news was JUST bad news, then yes, all signs would point to me being crazy for going to live in Palestine.
But I believe that there are many many many amazing things awaiting in the Holy Land. Not all news is bad news. I can’t not go because of fear that something will happen with my safety. Anything can happen even while living a normal life in Colorado. I am not going for the politics, or to choose any sort of political statement. I do understand that it is a very interesting time to go to that part of the world considering all that is going on, but I am going for the people. I am going so that I can learn things that are way outside of my comfort zone and to come back with a new perspective. I am going to Palestine in hopes to have a real impact for the people, though I believe I will be the one to come back feeling the most impacted by the people I encounter. I am going to see all the good in a significant piece of land. I am going because I am called to be bold.
What started as a means of wanting change, a distraction and getting away, I believe has transformed into something with great purpose and intention.
Many people have asked me if I am nervous. And to tell you the truth, I’m really not! The only thing that I am nervous about it the 14-hour plane ride… I’m not good at sitting still… But the rest of what is to come gives me a lot of peace. I’m starving for change and it’s challenges. I know its going to be hard, I know I will get homesick. But one thing I do know, is it’s going to be freaking AWESOME.
You must have a group size of at least 6 members to join this trip. Please view the Small Team trips or call our Servicing Department for more options at 888-475-6414.
For most trips, you must have a group size of at least 6 members. Please view the Small Teams tab on each Community page or call our Servicing Department for more options at 888-475-6414.