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A True Servant's Heart

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by Kendall Comstock Kendall is a member of the EM Summer Staff team leading mission trips this summer in McDowell County, West Virginia.

“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:26-28

The aroma of dinner’s fresh finish wafted through the kitchen and halls just in time for 6pm. As I scurried around the kitchen doing my best to recall all the utensils needed to feed 60 hungry mission trip volunteer bellies on time, I caught a glimpse of two excited eyes and willing hands. “What can I do Kendall?” There stood Cedaysia, eleven years old and just about one of the kindest kids I have the pleasure of working with in Kids Club. I had almost forgotten I had told her to come back to the school at 6pm to help serve dinner. When she asked earlier, I thought that although her heart was pure, she’d never actually make it back. But there she was, right on time and excited to be present.

I quickly sorted through my mental checklist, searching for something that could keep this eleven year old busy and out of my hair as I did the “real work.” “Drinks!” I said, excited to have come up with something. And off she went and so did I, off to finish the remaining tasks before dinner would officially begin. About ten minutes later, after forgetting about her presence, I glanced over to the drink coolers and there she stood, thoughtfully and carefully pouring each and every person a drink.

Appalachia Mission Trips

Cedaysia was serving others selflessly and without much instruction. After serving her and the rest of the kids through Kids Club the last couple weeks here in Gary, WV, I was refreshed by this sight. Cedaysia was not just serving me as a friend but went way beyond to serve strangers. Isn’t that what Jesus calls us to do?

Cedaysia’s servant attitude in that moment and many other moments, reminded me of how we should be living. And I realized that just as much as gathering utensils was considered “real work” in my mind, so was Cedaysia’s responsibility. There she was putting a smile on everyone’s face as she went above and beyond what was needed or expected.

That’s what serving is. It values others as more important than yourself and is done with genuine love.

Through sweet Cedaysia, God reminded me what it means to be a servant and the importance of doing it with intention and a willing heart.

Learn more about West Virginia Mission Trips!


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