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In the Bottoms and Hollows – West Virgina

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McDowell County, West Virginia is an extremely unique place. Deep in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia, it was once a very booming place. The county built a strong economy when the coal industry was in its prime in the early 1900s, and housed at its peak over 100,000 residents. When the coal industry began declining, so did the number of residents and available jobs. Now there are less than 20,000 people who live in the area, and the biggest employer is the local Walmart, with the coal mines coming in close a 2nd.

The county has rich history and deep pride, but also deeply rooted problems and issues. Approximately 80% of the people live on welfare or some sort of disability. Many households are broken families with single moms or grandparents raising children. Drugs are a constant problem, which has caused much of the middle generation to not step up and take responsibility for their lives and actions.

When you don't have money to get new clothes for your kids or pay for gas to get to work, the first thing that goes is home repairs. Many of the homes were constructed over fifty years ago and are in desperate need of repair. One large component EM mission trips to West Virginia is helping to repair and restore the area. From individual homes to community parks, teams work throughout the county, hopefully alongside local people, loving, serving and building relationships. Projects vary based on the skills and man-power that volunteer teams provide, but there are always projects that need doing.

Volunteers in West Virginia also serve the community by putting on Kids Club. Our community partner, Jack, has made the local kids a huge focus in his ministry because he believes they are the future of the area. Each day during the summer, EM holds a Kids Club attended by 10-30 local kids. Many of them come from broken homes and deal with behavioral issues. Each summer it is amazing to see the difference made in the lives of these kids through the love and care of the teams!

It is an area that is desperate for hope, though somewhat resistant to change and always ready for a handout. As a volunteer, you will see injustices, not only ones that anyone would see as unjust (i.e. children living in terrible conditions), but also ones that may leave you wondering why certain people need your help (i.e. a home in complete disrepair when they have a flat screen TV or drive a new car). We are constantly evaluating how we serve, who we serve and why we are serving, in order to make sure we are not enabling them, but rather empowering them to help themselves. Something that is definitely easier said than done in this area! We care deeply about the revitalization of this area, and are continually striving to bring hope into the lives of people who have gone without.

LEARN MORE | 2014 Mission Trips to McDowell County, West Virginia
