by Mary Bodkin, EM Summer Staff in Cuba
The amazing revival of churches in Cuba isn't happening in churches like we know in the United States. God is doing amazing work in Cuba through house churches. House churches are just like they sound; a group will have church services inside their homes. At first, the government allowed just 12 people to gather at a time, and many house churches would have around 30 people. The law changed and now the government allows 24 and some churches have around 80 people! They are known here in Cuba as "Casas de culto."
I've had the amazing opportunity to visit many different house churches while here in Cuba. Some meet in living rooms, others meet outside under tin roofs, and one church is restoring a garage to meet in. You may sit on plastic chairs, wooden benches, or red benches made of rebar! Some of the house churches have denominational connections, and others are just doing the work of the Lord. Many of the pastors have attended seminary here in Matanzas or they will soon!
One church I visited started in a tiny living room with just a few people. As more people came, they took down a wall. Then more started coming and they demolished another wall. Now they have a congregation of about 60 people meeting in a space about the size of my living room! Since the revolution int he 1960s, it is not permitted to build new church buildings. This church, stepping out in faith, is expanding and building a second story to have more space for more people. The pastor said it is his goal to make the sanctuary the most beautiful place in all of the city, since that is how the house of the Lord should be. The Lord has been faithful in providing financial support and materials and the goal is to finish by the end of this year. This is just one church in one small community; imagine what God is doing all over the country!
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For most trips, you must have a group size of at least 6 members. Please view the Small Teams tab on each Community page or call our Servicing Department for more options at 888-475-6414.