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Our Faith in Jesus Christ

The driving force behind everything we do.

Statement of Faith

We believe...

the Bible is the inspired Word of God

in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, sinless life, death, and bodily resurrection as the ultimate act of reconciliation between God and man

that Jesus is the one mediator between God and sinful man

in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit

in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life.

How We Engage the Gospel

At EM, we believe the Gospel message centers on person of Jesus—what He's done for us and wants to do in and through us. Our lostness and brokenness finds resolution only through the loving act of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection on our behalf. Jesus came to redeem people back into relationship with Him, and we have the opportunity and responsibility to share this message in a way that draws people into a lasting relationship with Him.

We believe that this message is best shared through STORY, in the context of RELATIONSHIP, within a PARTNERSHIP with the larger body of Christ.


Jesus has done a unique work in each of our lives—some were challenged to respond to an invitation to accept Christ, while God may have lead others through a faith journey of discovering truth. Some experience a dramatic, Spirit-filled encounter that brings sudden change while others come to a simple but profound belief in the claims of Christ. We respect all of these stories and the diverse and amazing ways that Christ brings people to Himself. We choose to trust God to work in each life as He chooses.


We desire to live out the Gospel through our active love for people. We build relationships with others because He compels us to reach out and love in a way that "bears all things, hopes in all things, and endures all things." This kind of love is demeaned by simply trying to "sell Jesus" to people. When we share life and seek to live out the way of Jesus together, the Gospel message naturally comes to the forefront as the true starting point to life.


"One plants and one waters." On a mission trip, we are always open to opportunities to share our individual stories of faith, telling others what God has done for us. However, we recognize we may only be one small part of the larger work God is doing in someone's life, not always seeing the final result. Therefore, within each community, we partner alongside others in the family of God. Our small time in a community may consist of "planting" or "watering," and we cheerfully celebrate the work God chooses to do through us and relish the opportunities when we get to reap the benefits of harvesting. We honor our local community partners by realizing they are in the best position to complete any work we've started or helped along. Our best role in any situation is to support, love, and serve people as Christ loves us.

How We Engage Different Faiths

Experience Mission seeks to engage with people of all different faiths and backgrounds who share our concern for the needs in our world.

We desire to demonstrate the love of Christ by actively responding to the needs in our world and serving the marginalized, impoverished, and distressed. We believe that the brokenness that exists in the world is a result of the broken state of our own hearts, and that the ultimate resolution for the world's problems is the power of God that is made available to us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the ultimate example of love and service, so we follow his example by striving to love and serve the world around us.

We understand that there are many individuals/organizations that share our desire to address the needs in our world, yet do not share this underlying Christian perspective. It is our sincere hope that people of all faiths will work together toward the common goal of effecting positive change in our world, and we welcome the opportunity to partner with individuals/organizations of all faiths when we share a common mission and purpose.

We strive to enter into all of our relationships in accordance with the EM’s Best Practices for Cross-Cultural Engagement which are based on trust, respect, and dignity.
